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Carbon Management Software for Private Equity Firms


Collect and analyze emissions data from across your portfolio, so you can minimize emissions while maximizing growth.

Speak with our team

Understand, address, and report on your financed emissions

Optera’s ESG Insights collects and consolidates emissions data from across your portfolio into a comprehensive dashboard, so that you can understand your overall financed emissions and drill down at a portfolio company level. Prioritize engagement with the PortCos that will have the biggest impact on your decarbonization strategy. 

We know that managing and reducing your scope 3 emissions is complex work. That’s why all software engagements come with a dedicated sustainability partner.  Your Optera consultant will be on hand to help you not only manage and understand the data, but engage with your portfolio companies to build a scalable, repeatable program.

Emissions management for every type of PortCo

No matter what size, industry, or type of portfolio companies you have, Optera’s platform can accommodate them and grow with you as your portfolio scales. 

Accurate emissions data

Establish a solid foundation for ongoing emissions accounting and ensure your inventory aligns with industry standards. Our database of corporate disclosures and emissions factors will provide you with accurate data, especially when primary data isn't available. 

Visualize portfolio-wide emissions

Gather and visualize the emissions inventory of your entire portfolio by rolling up PortCo-level emissions into one, comprehensive dashboard. This way, you can assess your own risk and ensure your portfolio is ready for the low-carbon future.

Empower portfolio companies 

Deep-dive into company-specific emissions data so you can help each PortCo determine the most impactful reduction initiatives. Plus, give your portfolio companies access to the same data, so they can take ownership over their own sustainability program.

Forecast future emissions

Forecast and visualize your portfolio’s future emissions based on factors like portfolio growth, time and money spent on sustainability initiatives, and which sustainability initiatives you decide to pursue – and empower your PortCos to do the same.

Prepare for disclosures & LP requests

Deliver transparent and accurate financed emissions reporting to regulatory bodies and industry initiatives. And be ready to provide your limited partners with the emissions data they’re asking for.

Our sustainability expertise


years of working with leading companies
and NGOs


year over year growth of emissions under management


of clients' Scope 1 & 2 emissions verified by a third-party auditor

What do our clients say about us?

“We could not have set our targets, or secured budget, without the assistance of the Optera team and the modeling that they performed using our emissions data on the ESG Insights platform. Plus, with ESG Insights, we have a one-stop-shop for our auditing purposes which drives significate time savings, both for my team and the internal auditing team”

MSA Safety
Read the case study here. 

“Managing all of our scope 1, 2, and 3 data within Optera’s  ESG Insights platform has really helped us improve our data accuracy, which is critical during our reporting process.”

Grove Collaborative
Read the case study here. 

"Optera's ESG Insights software has been a critical tool in helping us affirm our SBT-aligned targets and understand both restaurant-specific and scope-specific emissions, enabling us to focus our reduction efforts where they will have the greatest impact."

Bloomin' Brands
Read the case study here. 

Content to guide your portfolio decarbonization


Decarbonizing Portfolio Companies to Drive Change

An on-demand panel webinar that discusses the role PE firms play in addressing climate change through the decarbonization of their portfolios.


Reducing your financed emissions? Empowerment is the key

A blog that highlights best practices for managing financed emissions and driving decarbonization across your portfolio.

Sign up for a demo

Gain the insights you need to drive emissions reductions across Scopes 1, 2, and 3.
