Optera Logo - Light Blue


Comprehensive Carbon Accounting Software

Measure, manage, and report on your Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions with ESG Insights – Optera’s comprehensive carbon management software. 

Sign up for a demo

Scope 1, 2, and 3 management and reporting

Measure and report on your greenhouse gas emissions and other ESG data — like energy consumption, waste, and water and material use — across all of your global facilities.  

ESG Insights collects and consolidates your data into a comprehensive dashboard that enables you to prioritize emissions reductions and report on your progress. Plus, with forecasting functionality, you’ll have the data you need to set reduction goals and plan your decarbonization roadmap. 

Platform Collect

Centralize your emissions inventory

From utility data to supplier spend and fuel consumption – centralize your organization’s data in one place so you can focus on what really matters - enabling climate action across your organization.

Expert-led emissions calculation 

A comprehensive database of corporate disclosures and emissions factors result in a timely, auditable, and reportable emissions and calculation process. 

Identify emissions hotspots

Compare how specific facilities, business units, or regions perform so you can identify your biggest risks and opportunities toward decarbonizing your scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. 

Forecast your reduction impact

Forecast your emissions across all categories and calculate the potential impact of reduction projects so you can prioritize steps for immediate action and track the impact of your investments.

Platform Act

Our sustainability expertise


years of working with leading companies
and NGOs


client facilities analyzed across 100+ countries


of client's Scope 1 & 2 emissions verified by a third-party auditor
Bloomin Brands Logo

“ESG Insights has helped us understand restaurant-specific and scope-specific emissions, enabling us to focus our reduction efforts where they will have the greatest impact.”

Senior Director, ESG
Bloomin' Brands

View Bloomin' Brand's full story here

Grove Collaborative Logo-1

“Managing all of our Scope 1, 2, and 3 data within the ESG Insights platform has helped us improve data accuracy, which is critical during our reporting process.”

Sr. Sustainability Manager
Grove Collaborative

View Grove's full story here

BSR Logo - Color

“Optera guided us through the development of our GHG inventory and the creation of a ‘starting point’ to enable us to set goals & track our progress against them.”

Climate Director

View BSR's full story here

What do our clients say about us?

“We could not have set our targets, or secured budget, without the assistance of the Optera team and the modeling that they performed using our emissions data on the ESG Insights platform. Plus, with ESG Insights, we have a one-stop-shop for our auditing purposes which drives significate time savings, both for my team and the internal auditing team”

MSA Safety
Read the case study here. 

“Managing all of our scope 1, 2, and 3 data within Optera’s  ESG Insights platform has really helped us improve our data accuracy, which is critical during our reporting process.”

Grove Collaborative
Read the case study here. 

"Optera's ESG Insights software has been a critical tool in helping us affirm our SBT-aligned targets and understand both restaurant-specific and scope-specific emissions, enabling us to focus our reduction efforts where they will have the greatest impact."

Bloomin' Brands
Read the case study here. 

Sign up for a demo

Gain the insights you need to drive emissions reductions across Scopes 1, 2, and 3.
